In light of my recent move and not having internet except for at my mom's for almost two weeks now, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates and to say thank you for everyone's patience and for the wonderful contributions at the silent auction last weekend! I was so pleased with everyone's efforts and was blown away by the performances! I think we need to make this an annual tradition just for the chance to experience what it is like playing in a duet/trio ensemble. Congratulations to everyone for working so hard to make the recital a success. Just a couple updates while I'm at it:
Next group class is Monday February 25th
Year End Recital is Sunday April 28th at 3:00. I know this seems like a ways away but we only have a few group classes left to rehearse before this recital. So I expect everyone to be at the last few group classes of this year so that everyone is prepared for the year end.
Although it is not a requirement, everyone from my studio is welcome to perform at my mom's annual piano recital on Sunday June 2nd. Please let me know if you are interested. Also, be aware that the Saturday before on June 1st is the pool party at Sharon's.
This post is titled Growlin' for those wishing to learn the fiddle tune Growlin' Old Man & Old Woman. I have recorded it first slow so as to learn it by ear and then up to speed. Enjoy!