What is character?
Decisiveness, integrity, concentration, sincerity, adaptability, ambition, patience, truth, courage, energy, enthusiasm, discipline, self-control, confidence, respect, perseverance, promptness, persistence, consistency, endurance, determination, thoroughness, initiative, compassion, contentment...
The past few weeks we have been talking about character in lessons. The development of character is the foundation of Shinichi Suzuki's method of teaching violin.
"Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. They get a beautiful heart." - Shinichi Suzuki
Character is developed in many ways...
By showing up to lessons on time -
promptness, respect
Entering lesson and group classes quietly -
respect, self-control
Choosing to practice everyday at home -
decisiveness, consistency
Completing repetitions of a practice spot -
concentration, persistence, thoroughness
Performing at a recital -
confidence, determination
Listening and waiting to play at group class or a recital -
patience, respect, self-control
Helping out a peer in lessons or group class -
sincerity, compassion
Bringing into lesson questions about practice/the violin -
Being able to play any review piece well -
contentment, confidence
These are only a few examples.
Lets continue to model and encourage all of these character traits to children of all ages.
Character is something that is formed by the choices that we make in our everyday lives. Help children to make healthy choices so that we may nurture the development of their character and they may grow up to be fine human beings.
Please check out the poll to the right of this post about the music theory class. Take two seconds to let me know why you did not sign your child up for the theory class so I can better make decisions about running additional classes in the future. Thank you! ---------------------------------->