Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thank You, Suzuki Parents

I had a wonderful time at last nights Parent Ed event.

Part of what I love about my job is the freedom and flexibility to try new things. To be adventurous and different, while still sticking to what is routine and familiar. To learn is to try. Even if when we try and it doesn't turn out quite like how we wanted, we still learn in the process, and I want to keep learning. A well used Suzuki quote is that “Every Child Can Learn” and while this realization is the basis of teaching children music so young, it for sure does not only apply to children. We can all learn and we can all continue to learn.

I think every parent last night learned something, both from reading the articles and from listening to the other parents. So many important topics were addressed such as review strategies, practice strategies, posture motivation, educating the whole child through music, institutes, the importance of not comparing your child to other children, the list goes on and on. They were important topics and everyone had an understanding of them all. I definitely learned more about all of you. Each one of you spoke so eloquently despite those who had to speak over the lovely piano playing (I apologize for this. But we all made it work!). You definitely all did your homework and you did your homework well. An A+ to all of you!

So, thank you, Suzuki Parents. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to try new things week after week. Thank you for choosing to give your children music education. Thank you for supporting Amy's Violin School and for your kind words. You are all incredible parents.

I left class last night with a boost of energy. I was so excited by the enthusiasm and ideas and thoughtfulness that came from all the parents meeting and supporting one another. I look forward to reading through all the articles chosen and plan to have them available in lesson to read as well as posting article summaries on the blog to highlight the topics that you all agreed are important.

I also want to give a special Thank You to Lukas and Drew for helping out during the class so that the parents can meet. These Parent Education Events are essential and they have run smoothly these past few years because of your commitment and time. You both are truly appreciated. 

Thank you, Suzuki Parents! I look forward to our next meeting in February!

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