First of all: Thank you to all the parents who came out Tuesday night. It was great seeing so many of you together.
We discussed in class how motivation comes in different forms. Some of us seem to instinctively have it, while others may struggle to find it. Motivation can come in waves or it can be constant and the comments I received follow this idea.
On how we motivate ourselves and our kids to make healthy lifestyle choices, many families commented along the lines of: "We just do it. It is expected, so it just happens." or "We do what we like and love. That is the motivation."
Many families also had motivational strategies such as:
a reward system, establishing routines and checklists, doing activities as a family and rewards as a family, visualizing the end result and setting goals, vacations, communication, observation, and modeling the desired behaviour to kids.
Motivation is different for all of us because we all live different lifestyles and we are all different human beings. However, we all have the same end goal of wanting to teach our kids the best habits so that they can go out into the world and be successful. With this in mind, it never hurts to have some strategies in your back pocket. Life is always changing and we need motivation when those times of struggle hit us, and the struggle can be real in violin lessons, in school activities and in any area of our life.
Ways I try to motivate students are:
100 Charts
Prize Box
One Point Challenges (like out current 10,000 challenge)
Providing an all ages/levels group class
Breaking things down into the smallest form so students can find success
Getting the chance to perform in different ensembles
Using social media to share content
Providing the opportunity to see other musicians perform
On that note: Thank you for your input on the participation in attending FREE SHOWS. If there is anything I can do to make getting to them more convenient, please let me know, otherwise I completely understand how hard it is to find time to attend an evening show, especially with little ones. We do what we can.
Check your calendars for Wednesday December 12th, as THE NEXT GENERATION LEAHY will be coming to play at the London Music Hall at 7:00. Let me know ASAP if you are able to attend. All student tickets are FREE and covered by Amy's Violin School.
As always parents, you are all amazing and I am so lucky to get to work with you and your kids and to have known some of you for years now. You all are a motivation for me. I am grateful everyday to all of you, that I am able to do what I do. Thank you!
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