Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Prepare for Back to School!

Does anyone else have blogs they follow online? I love the accessibility of sharing your ideas and finding inspiration from others online. Not to mention all the FREE schedules and charts you can find online! Basically anything you need to organize, there is a free printable to go along with it to make your life easier. Convenience for me is huge. Things rarely get done if it's not convenient.

Tons of moms online are talking about back to school. Ways to prepare, stay on track, stay organized, and even staying creative in the art of lunch packing if you're into that sort of thing (I'm not sure star shaped sandwiches and fruit cabobs will ever be a part of my future kids lunch bag routine!). But, maybe you'll find something to make an area of your life or your home more convenient. Convenience to me means getting things done as quickly and as easily as possible which = happiness!

How can we make our practice time come September convenient? Now, getting it done as quickly and as easily as possible does not mean we rush our pieces! A quick practice can be concise, and an easy practice means having a plan and sticking to it. We must accept challenges and persevere. Here are some things to remember and consider to get the most out of your practice time:
  • TAKE LOTS OF NOTES in lesson.
  • ALWAYS ASK the teacher to clarify or explain differently if you do not understand what is being asked
  • Practice how teacher showed you to practice in lesson. There is a reason why we do something a certain way in lesson. This must be replicated at home to get the best results.
  • buy a VIOLIN STAND and place it in a safe place. If the violin is already unpacked, it is so much more convenient to just pick it up and play!
  • schedule practice time into your busy lives and try to keep the time consistent. Make a schedule!
  • Set a timer! If you're crunched for time, do as much focused and concise practice you can do until the timer goes off.
Also, if you don't already have a calendar you live by to keep track of your day to day appointments and things to do, start experimenting with some NOW! I love Google Calendars. I couldn't live without it and having it online gives me access to it anywhere. I love how neat and organized it looks and you can plan and see weeks, months, years in advanced. Maybe you need a big wall calendar or a book agenda. Maybe creating a binder with monthly, weekly and daily calendars will be what keeps you on track. We all have our own way of needing to keep track of the days. I've tried other methods but always come back to the simpleness of Google Calendar. Find out what you need to get the most out of your day. That means no more surprises and no more forgetting which = no more stress. Eliminate the stress by seeking out convenient solutions.

Here are some blogs I use, mostly for home decor/organization, but there are lots of resources and ideas on raising a family, like how to handle finances to dividing household chores or what responsibilities are suitable for your youngest to your oldest and the importance of "electronic free" time. Take a look, maybe you'll find something that inspires you to change an area of your life for the better:
This last one is affiliated with the Practice Shoppe I've been mentioning. Lots of great ideas for practice time.

There are hundreds more out there. Are there any blogs you already follow? Tell me about them in the comments!

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