Sunday, December 29, 2013

What's Happening in 2014

I'm heading off to Mexico (Mayan Riviera) from January 1st - 8th and will not be able to communicate with any of you, so here is hopefully everything you need to know for getting back into lessons for January and all other upcoming events.

Next group class is on Monday January 6th.
However, lessons will start back the week of Monday January 13th

Fiddle Club:
Starting in February, the long anticipated Fiddle Club will begin. This class will run every other Saturday or so from 1:30-2:30 at my place. Class will run on the following dates:

February 1st
February 15th
March 1st
March 8th
March 22nd
April 12th
April 26th
May 3rd

Students must be playing Perpetual Motion or higher to enroll, however, please speak with your teacher before to see if it is suitable for your child. Check out the registration form here for more details.

Haggis Stew:
Our annual Robbie Burns performance is on Saturday January 25th. Please check your calendars for the following rehearsal dates:
Saturday January 11th 1:00-3:00
Friday January 17th 7:30-9:00
Saturday January 25th Rehearsal at 2:00 with performance around 7:00.

Silent Auction:
Once again, please scour your homes or awaken your inner creativity and donate something to the upcoming Silent Auction! Give away something you do not need anymore and maybe find something you do need or want for a great price at the auction. You'll find a donation box in my studio to drop items off during lessons.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a Happy New Year. I will see you all at group on January 13th!

Friday, December 06, 2013

Deck the Halls... with music!

We saw a full range of potential on the weekend, from the young pretwinklers, to trying teenagers and even still to the incredible role models of the parents (performing and not!). Everyone showed they're abilities and love of music on Sunday and it was a joy to watch. 

December will be over and done with before we know it, but while we're here, take advantage of the spirit of the holidays and continue to motivate playing and practice. Here are a few ways to continue to make music an important part of your families lifestyle...

Sing Christmas carols together
Play review pieces or Christmas tunes to family and friends
Play a duet with a friend
Have advent calendars that only get opened on the days that you practice
Share your music with grandma and grandpa and even take your violin to retirement/nursing homes
Teach a friend how to play Jingle Bells
Put an ornament on the tree or a decoration out in the house for every repetition of a practice spot
Make a recording and send it to family members who live far away
Provide background music to a Christmas party
Make Christmas paper chains for every day practiced or every repetition
Play at a talent show or for your class at school
Play for family members or friends over Skype

This is my mom, me on fiddlebox and my older brother Scott on cello.
The months coming up to Christmas consisted of making tape recordings
of us playing our instruments to send to our Grandparents for Christmas.
Not only were these cherished by our Grandparents, but they are a keepsake of
our journey through music. On Christmas Eve, we would all gather in the dining
room and play Christmas songs for each other. It's never to late to start new
'musical' Christmas traditions!

Once again, our Christmas Ceilidh is on Monday December 16th 5-6. I will be asking everyone next week who is available to attend, who has a Christmas treat they can bring, and if anyone has a Christmas tune, Fiddle tune or anything they might like to play or share with the group.

For those who are in the fiddle group Haggis Stew, our annual Robbie Burns performance is on Saturday January 25th in the evening. So mark you calendars and stay tuned for rehearsal dates.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Countdown Begins...

So time is flying by and we are down to the last few weeks before the holidays. Stay safe as you drive the snowy roads and brave the busy malls. As we prepare for the upcoming holiday season I have a few events to remind everyone about...

#1 - Recital this weekend! 
Everyone playing the Tango must be at the church no later than 1:45. 
Everyone else, please arrive no later then 15 minutes before the recital you signed up for (2:15 OR 3:30). 
Yes, our Christmas tree is up, It has been for a while.
Our cat Cordelia has been loving it a little too much.
Whenever it is you decide to put up your decorations, be
sure to make it a family event. Turn on some good tunes, and
enjoy decorating your home together for the holiday season.
Start some new traditions this year that get the whole
family involved!

#2 - Our Christmas Ceilidh is still on Monday December 16th from 5:00-6:00
I will have prizes for everyone's participation and for the winners in the Play Challenge and there will be the chance to play any Christmas and fiddle tunes. 

#3 - Pull out your Christmas tunes! 
Looking for some new ones this year? Bring in your requests to lessons. I have some great duets if you have a family member or friend you'd like to play with!

See everyone on Sunday!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Parent Ed Night Recap

Thank you to the parents who braved the snow to get to Parent Ed night! Your commitment is recognized and appreciated. Even though it was not a nice night for driving, please make every effort to attend these sessions. It's a great opportunity to hear Sharon speak from her first hand experience with Shinichi Suzuki and for all the parents to interact, get ideas and support each other.

We had guest speakers Frances and Ruth who talked about their experiences with the Suzuki method and how it has impacted both of their child's lives who are now adults. Here are just a few points as to what was discussed:

Listening is learning.

Take advantage of the time in the car to really talk. 
Yes, your lives are busy, but one day this busyness will be gone. Take the time now, whenever the opportunity arises, to just talk, not nag about things that need to be done once you get home, but talk. These are the moments you will remember.

Join events in the summer to keep the motivation of playing alive. 
Any musical camp, institute, orchestra, ensemble, anything is a great way to meet new people and keep the desire and motivation to play throughout the summer.

The Suzuki method builds confidence that will support children in any career path they choose.

Set the expectation that daily practice is expected and there will be no questioning this later on.

The parents attitude and awareness is key. 
Enjoy the one hour a week in group class where you get to relax and watch your child just be. Your attention and smile is the security your child needs to grow and succeed.

Parents, you are the model, and your attitude reflects strongly on your child.
If you show interest in only your own child, your child may think that they are the only ones that matter. Enjoy and support the process of watching everyone grow together.

Punctuality, flexibility, work ethic, determination, confidence, responsibility, community, commitment... character first, and ability second. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Parent Ed, Parking Update, and the chance to de-clutter your life!

Parent Education Night on Monday November 11th at 7:00 at Sharon's House - 958 Crestview Cres. Hope to see you all there! (No group class that night.)

Quick parking update:
I just a received a message from the condo board about cars idling in parking spaces. If you are dropping off/picking up your child from a lesson, please turn your car off while you wait. There is a 2 minute law against cars idling. Thank you for your understanding in all matters concerning parking.

In high school, I considered going
into interior design! I love to clean &
organize, its kind of weird. A clutter free
home is definitely a stress reliever for me.
Start now by choosing one small area of your
home to purge and organize every week. You could
be living differently by the New Year!
So, even though we are a few months away from the Silent Auction at our February Recital, I want you all to start thinking about it now. Take advantage of the opportunity before and after this holiday season to reduce the clutter in your homes and the stress it carries in your life.
Anything you could donate would be greatly appreciated. I will have a bin in lessons for you to start dropping off any items you'd like to donate. We had great success last year with the auction and the kids had a wonderful time bidding on items. At this recital, students play in duets which is a great learning experience different from solo performing! I look forward to another exciting February recital.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sunday October 27th Recital!

We've made it to the first recital of the year! Congratulations to all the hard work that everyone has put into their performance pieces. Everyone should be proud of how prepared they are. Now all that's left is to have fun!

Please arrive no later then 1:45 for the 2:00 recital or 3:15 for the 3:30 recital.

Thank you for my two student volunteers that are handing out programs, the families who volunteered to bring in juice and the parents helping out during the reception!

Just a reminder that even though on the Calendar handout it says there are no lessons next week, I am teaching regular lessons because I will be taking off the first week back in January.

See everyone on Sunday!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Character First...

What is character?

Decisiveness, integrity, concentration, sincerity, adaptability, ambition, patience, truth, courage, energy, enthusiasm, discipline, self-control, confidence, respect, perseverance, promptness, persistence, consistency, endurance, determination, thoroughness, initiative, compassion, contentment... 

The past few weeks we have been talking about character in lessons. The development of character is the foundation of Shinichi Suzuki's method of teaching violin.

"Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. They get a beautiful heart." - Shinichi Suzuki

Character is developed in many ways...

By showing up to lessons on time - promptness, respect
Entering lesson and group classes quietly - respect, self-control
Choosing to practice everyday at home - decisiveness, consistency
Completing repetitions of a practice spot - concentration, persistence, thoroughness
Performing at a recital - confidence, determination
Listening and waiting to play at group class or a recital - patience, respect, self-control
Helping out a peer in lessons or group class - sincerity, compassion
Bringing into lesson questions about practice/the violin - initiative
Being able to play any review piece well - contentment, confidence

These are only a few examples.

Lets continue to model and encourage all of these character traits to children of all ages.
Character is something that is formed by the choices that we make in our everyday lives. Help children to make healthy choices so that we may nurture the development of their character and they may grow up to be fine human beings.

Please check out the poll to the right of this post about the music theory class. Take two seconds to let me know why you did not sign your child up for the theory class so I can better make decisions about running additional classes in the future. Thank you!    ---------------------------------->

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Play Challenge Extra Point #2 and Happy Thanksgiving!

Some of you by now have seen the Extra Point #2 Challenge written on my board in lesson. We are on week #4 of the play challenge and you have until week #6 to complete the extra point challenge. 

Since the start of lessons in September, there has been a Suzuki Quote in the top right corner of my board. What was the quote?

Hint: "________ ________ , _________ second."

Not sure? This is a well known Suzuki quote and one that we should all be reminded of as to what makes the Suzuki method such a wonderful education for children. Look up quotes by Shinichi Suzuki and see if you can figure it out!

I have been impressed by everyone's participation in the play challenge. Please take the opportunity over the holiday weekend to play for family members and show off all the hard work everyone has been doing in just picking their violins up everyday and playing! I hope everyone is starting the see the difference between a well played and practiced week versus the outcome of a week when the days just seem to get away from you and the violin doesn't get played. Lets all keep trying to work towards setting lifelong learning habits for children. 

Sunday October 27th Recital 2:00 or 3:30 (with reception!)
If you have not already signed up for a recital time, please do so on the sign up sheet in lesson or send me an e-mail. Try and keep the times even, otherwise I will have to move performers to different times.

Shinichi Suzuki Books!
Here is a link to the new Nurtured by Love book written by Shinichi Suzuki. If you haven't already read this book I do highly recommend it to Suzuki parents. It puts you in the mindset of Suzuki and you really get the feel for what he wanted to accomplish through the early musical education of children. It will leave a lasting impression and will be a book you will want to come back to again and again. 

Other books I recommend are Ability Development from Age Zero also by Suzuki and To Learn with Love by William (Bill) Starr. Look for these books in the public library system as well. Ask me for additional recommendations if you really wish to broaden you knowledge of the Suzuki method!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Clarification, Reminder and a Fiddle Concert!

Last call for Theory Class sign-up:

Please hand in your registration now! Class starts Wednesday October 2nd from 6:00-7:00. Take advantage of this opportunity to help master music theory skills (ex. note naming, note values, rhythms, key/time signatures, composition and improvisation!)

Clarification to the Lesson Etiquette handout:

When I talk about technology being forbidden in lessons, group class and especially recitals, this is expected because all of your attention should be on your child and the other children participating. However, if you are using an electronic device to either video or take pictures this is of course allowed because it is involving your child. 

Fiddle Concert with Ashley MacIsaac:

Ashley MacIsaac is playing at Aeolian Hall on Saturday October 26th at 8:00. If you are interested in fiddle music you should definitely check out this concert. Being a Nova Scotian born fiddler and representing the Cape Breton Scottish Fiddling techniques and traditions, Ashley MacIsaac has made a name for himself through his rock inspired variations on traditional tunes. Click HERE for details!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Practice Motivators, Repetition Games and How Daily Practice Can Make Your Life Easier!

Good luck everyone as we begin our first weeks of the Play Challenge!

All of the practice motivators and repetition games I am providing here are listed on my website under the resources. Use the internet to search for even more ways to motivate practice at home!

Put on performances - for family members, stuffed animals, over skype or even record yourself playing!

Parade - parade around the house playing the twinkle variations, review songs or even newer pieces to test your abilities!

10x Challenge - complete a practice spot 10x in a row without any mistakes. Make a mistake and start over at 1. Watch how the spot gets easier and easier!

Play in different rooms around the house - does the sound of your violin change at all?

Take a step - play a practice chunk well and take a step forward (to a desired destination). Take a step back if played poorly.

6 things a day - pick 6 things everyday to do with the violin. Write them down with your child and check them off as you go. Make them small and concise.

Practice Candle - burn a candle every time you start to practice. Watch as it gets smaller and smaller each time you practice (the candles with little prizes inside can be fun!)

Beads! - string beads together for every repetition or task completed in practice!

Lego! - stick lego pieces together for every repetition or task completed in practice!

Puzzles - put puzzle pieces together for each repetition

Monopoly money - parent and child get same amount of money. If child plays well, they get to steal one piece of parents money. If they play poorly, parent gets to take one piece of child's money. Watch how your child is determined to not let you win all the money!

Why is it so important and expected in the Suzuki method to practice everyday?

Children feel comfort and stability in having a schedule and a routine. They know what to expect and what is expected of them and this makes them feel secure and confident. Having schedules in your family instills healthy lifestyle habits that will carry on into adulthood and establish a sense of responsibility early. It's all about providing the best education, experiences and learning environment for children.

By playing everyday, power struggles can be eliminated because the expectation has been developed. In turn, stress on your part can be reduced and you and your child will get better at practice because you do it so regularly. Your practice sessions will become more concise (shorter in fact!) because there will be no more trying to remember what teacher said at lesson which was two days earlier and you can get straight to the point. 

Practice is all about quality and not quantity. 10 minutes of focused practice can replace 20 minutes of unfocused practiced. Use practice motivators and games to capture the focus of your child. Practice daily so that you may learn to practice more efficiently, and therefore save more time in your busy lives for other things. 

Sound too good to be true? You can all do it! Call me anytime to discuss daily practice in your home!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Phase One: Suzuki Music Class - New Class Times!

The Phase One: Suzuki Music Class for Babies, Toddlers and Parents now has two available class times in North London!

Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30
Saturdays from 9:00-10:00

(times subject to change depending on class size)

In our Phase One: Baby and Toddler class, music is used as a vehicle to develop character in each and every child. This is possible through our belief that every child can learn and that every child has unlimited potential. 

Through the use of lullabies, action songs and rhymes, our one hour class develops numeracy, speech and literacy skills, as well as sharing, sensitivity, discipline, fine motor skills, confidence, and a strong bond between parent and child.

These skills will blossom through:
 - the constant nourishment of a positive environment provided by the parent in the home and the teacher during class
 - the observation and interaction of other children
 - encouragement from parents and teachers, 
  - and by allowing children to develop ability and success without pressure so that the learning process is done so with love and joy. 

Phase one is not just a music class. It is an opportunity to provide children with fundamental skills they will use in preschool, grade school, instrumental music lessons and essentially life.

Call NOW to reserve your spot!


Visit for more information.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Your 2013-2014 Violin Lesson Updates!

As much as I have enjoyed my summer as I hope all of you have as well, I am so excited to see everyone on a regular basis again and get working on some new stuff this year!
Can you spot the piper? 

Here are the updates for your 2013-2014 year of Violin Lessons! 

The first lessons and group classes start Monday September 9th! Please call or e-mail me to confirm your lesson time if needed.

Violin Lesson Parking:
As previously stated, there are two designated spots to park at my place; spot #64 and to the right of #64 which is in front of the gate to my unit. DO NOT PARK IN ANY OTHER NUMBERED OR VISITOR SPOT, even if there are many other spots available.  If these spots are for some reason not available, you will have to park outside the complex on Savannah Road and walk into the complex. Thank you so much for your understanding in this matter and please tell me immediately of any parking issues.

Suzuki Baby/Toddler Music Class:
Wednesday Mornings 9:30-10:30
Calling all parents, babies and toddlers! Please tell your family members and friends about this class. Not only does it develop musical skills but recent research shows that babies in this class smile more, are easier to calm, show earlier communication skills and an adaptability toward new things. Do not wait to enroll! Please provide the best education for your child from age zero.

Fall Theory Class:
Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:00 October 2nd - November 27th
This is a mixed ages class, however, you must be playing May Song or higher to enroll. We will continue to master skills such as note reading, where notes are on the violin, rhythm and note values, compositions and improvisations, key signatures, intervals and ear training. Check your calendars and let your teacher know if you are interested. Registration and fees will be given out in early September.

Fiddle Play-in:
I am in the process of developing an all ages fiddle play-in. Please let me know if you are interested. I will get this exciting event up and running as soon as I can, but want to guarantee its success. So please have patience. 

Please check the calendar on my website regularly as well as the hard copy you were given with your registration package. Please put all the recital, parent education and group class dates into your calendars so that you don't miss out on anything throughout the year. I do expect 100% attendance to all group classes and recitals and require an explanation if you cannot make it.

***Change to Calendar***:
There will be lessons the week of Halloween, October 28th - November 2nd. There will be no lessons the first week in the new year, January 6th - 11th. I will be in Mexico that week for my brother's wedding! If your lesson falls on Halloween day it is completely up to you if you'd like to come to your lesson. If not, we will make it up sometime throughout the year.

Play Challenge:
Starting in September there will be a Play Challenge in my studio! Basically, this is similar to the 100 chart, however, all I am asking for is that everyone plays their violins everyday! I'm still working out the details, and prizes, but the goal here is to start the school year off with good habits that will carry through to the rest of the year. Stay tuned.

As always, if there are ever any questions, I am available 24/7 through e-mail and you can call me anytime between 8:00 am - 9:00 pm at home or on my cell (you're best to try my home phone first). If you're unsure about something on your practice chart, ask me! If your violin needs tuning, arrange a time with me to tune it! Need some advice on getting your child to practice? Call me up to chat or send me an e-mail explaining your situation! I am here to do whatever I can to help you get the most out of making music an important part of your family's lifestyle.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Garden Show with Celtic Shift!

Celtic Shift Performances!

I'll be playing two shows this week at St. James Westminister Church (115 Askin Street) out in the garden on Tuesday June 18th and Wednesday June 19th both at 7:30 p.m. 
These are very casual performances (busking) as this is the last chance for the band to play together before our gigs in Nova Scotia in August (I'm so excited!). So if you have time to drop by and check out some music, you can stay for as little or as long as you'd like, I'd love to see you there!

Also, just to reiterate an e-mail that was sent out by Sharon earlier this week...

Check out the Every Child Can class being run on Monday June 24th from 9-4. 

This is a great class run by Dorothy Jones (Sharon's Mom), who is an incredible speaker on the Suzuki method and has so many wonderful stories about her first hand experience with Shinichi Suzuki, his teachings and his philosophy. If you have a day to spare and would like some more information on what exactly this method is, how it was developed and what makes it so different to other ways of teaching music, then consider attending this class. Call/e-mail me for more details if interested.

One more thing... We need more babies/toddlers to attend the Phase One music classes running Tuesday June 25th - Monday July 1st from 10-11. This is an incredible opportunity at a great price ($5/day!). Tell your friends! 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Wedding Pictures (if you`re interested...)

Hi everyone! Just wanted to post a few pictures from the wedding. You may need to view them from the website as apposed to the e-mail. Let me know if the slideshow doesn`t work.  There may be a video coming soon of me actually playing at the wedding.

The family pictures demonstrate the three divisions in my family. This has been the only time my entire immediate family have been in the same place at the same time so it was quite an accomplishment and it meant the world to me

We had a simple and short outdoor ceremony and the reception consisted of coca-cola decor, burger buffet with salads and chips, a pop station with lemonade and iced tea, hamburger cupcakes and sugar cookie fries for dessert as well as an incredible assortment of the best pies you`ve ever had and the most beautifully laid out fruit tray and carved watermelon (that was a surprise!)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wedding Day

It was such a wonderful weekend. We were so lucky with the weather as Sunday turned out to be a nice sunny day. We had a small outdoor wedding, and the afternoon consisted of good food, good music, and of course our inescapable family drama. All in all, Steve and I are so happy with how everything turned out. Thank you to everyone who was thinking about us on the weekend.

Just a few updates as we head into the final lessons before summer:

I have misplaced my Suzuki Violin Book 4. I don't think my name is in it, and it won't have any markings. Could everyone please take a look through your books especially those in book 4 or higher and let me know if you seem to have an extra copy. Thank you!

I look forward to seeing everyone together on Saturday June 1st at 2:00 at Sharon's house for the pool party! Please bring your swim suit, violin, and let me know if that are any snacks/treats that would be convenient for you to bring. Just a heads up, I will be playing at a wedding in Byron until 3:00 but will get the to pool party as soon as I can.

Let me know if you did not receive a registration package for summer/fall. Registration is due by June 2nd.

When I started this post, I thought there were a bunch of things I needed to tell you all. I think I'm just in wedding withdrawal. It feels strange not to have lists of things to do. If I think of anything else I'll let you all know. 

As we head in to the summer months, take some time to make some practice play charts! The summer is more about continuing to play the violin than it is about practice. Pick up your violin and do some review, play with a friend or sibling, put on a recital for family members or friends, compose your own song, try playing your favorite songs on the radio, buy a fiddle book and learn some fiddle tunes, take your violin with you on vacation; play at the cottage, on the beach, in a different country! Just keep playing!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Notice about Parking & E-mails

Hi everyone, I have just been informed by the condo board that a complaint has been made about the amount of traffic during my teaching hours. Specifically, my neighbour seems to think that the visitor spot in front on her unit is her spot. Regardless, do not park in the spot to the left of my red Mazda. If my car isn't there you can part in spot #64, otherwise the spot to the right of my car is fine as well as any other visitor spot. Also, for parents picking kids up after lessons, please do not idle in the lane way but pull into a parking spot.

Please do not reply to these posts from your inbox. The mailing address that sends these posts to you is not mine but is a do not reply address. I do not want to miss any of your messages so still send all your e-mails to

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Registration for Summer & Fall

Finally! Some spring weather! I hope everyone has been out enjoying the sun this past week.  I'm looking forward to many more days like this as we wind down with lessons before the summer. Just a few updates as we head into the next 4 weeks:

All lessons scheduled on Thursday May 16th - Monday May 20th, will be cancelled due to the fact that I will be getting married! As much as Steven and I are keeping things simple and relaxed, I know that I am going to be swamped with last minute preparations and with family members travelling into London for the long weekend. I will make up these lessons the first week of June. Thank you in advance for your understanding. 

Pull out your calendars! Here is my summer lesson schedule:

Thursday June 20th
Wednesday June 26th
Thursday July 4th
Thursday July 11th
Thursday July 18th
Wednesday July 24th
Thursday August 22nd
Thursday August 29th

Sign up will start Thursday of this week. You can choose from times between 9:00-12:00 and 3:00-7:00. You can either sign up on the sheet provided in lesson, or send me an e-mail with your time request. Everyone must sign up for two summer lessons as two are included in your paid tuition. All other summer lessons start at $25/half hour, however, if you sign up for 3 or more additional summer lessons, the rate is reduced to $15/half hour.

Please let me know if you absolutely cannot make any of these dates work. I do not mind considering other lesson days as long as people are committed to attending summer lessons.

Also, please consider your schedule for September. If you would like to change your current lesson time, now is the time to let me know to reserve your spot for the fall. 

Registration for the fall will be out soon and will be due June 2nd! I cannot guarantee lesson times for the fall unless registration is paid by the due date.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Year End Recital - Sunday April 28th 3:00

Just an update before the weekends events:

I am using next week to do some make up lessons. There are technically no lessons scheduled after the recital if you check you Calendar of Events, but it's not too long till the end of lessons before summer and I like to give everyone the chance to make up a lesson they may have missed throughout the year. If you would like to take the week off, feel free to stay home. However, if you would like to come for your regular lesson time let me know.

Please arrive no later than 2:40 on Sunday. We need time to tune and seat everyone accordingly in the pews.

If you are in the fiddle group, please arrive no later than 2:15 for a run through.

Keep singing Wishing and playing all recital pieces!

I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thank you!

I cannot thank you all enough for the generosity and support from the wedding shower and from everything throughout the year. You have all done so much, more than expected, and I truly appreciate it.

Steve was so excited about the BBQ. We got home on Monday and he put it all together, we went out Tuesday night to get BBQing supplies, and burgers were made on Wednesday! It seemed to stop raining just in time for dinner. Thank you so much for this nice luxury we'll now have at home.

Congratulations to everyone who played at Kiwanis this week!

T-SHIRTS: Please bring your $20 on Monday for t-shirts if you haven't already purchased yours for the year end recital. 

MAKE UP LESSON WEEK: There are no lessons scheduled for the week after the recital April 29th - May 5th. However, I like to use this week to make up any lessons missed throughout the year. Please let me know if you would like to come for your regular lesson time that week to make up for any lessons missed because of sickness, school events, etc.

Keep working on the pieces for the recital, and please start learning the best you can Wishing, the Japanese song. If you do not have a copy, I have some on my stand during lessons so please take one.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hi Everyone! I can't believe that we are already winding down to the last two months of lessons and preparing for the year end recital. Just to recap last nights group class, here are the pieces that we will be playing at the recital:

  • Suzuki's Prelude & Berceuse
  • Fiddle Set
  • Book 4 Vivaldi A Minor, 1st Movement
  • Humoresque
  • Witches Dance
  • Chorus (with Duet parts)
  • Book 1 Minuet 3
  • Allegro
  • May Song
  • Song of the Wind
  • Lollipop Lollipop
  • Twinkle Theme
Please work these pieces into your daily routine. These are expected to be "polished" for the recital. Those still on fiddle boxes and/or just starting bread and cheese on the violin are encouraged to play along with Lollipop Lollipop and Twinkle Theme.

The dress code for this recital will be black bottoms and the red Thames Valley Suzuki School t-shirts. Shirts are $20 each. If you purchased a shirt last year, please pull them out of your closets and make sure they still fit. We have some limited sizes, but ranging from XS to L Youth and S to 2XL Adult.

I have to say that it has been a successful first week of teaching out of my new home! Please keep me informed of any parking issues, but so far things seem to be working out. 

Some exciting news to announce; I have just recently been asked to join a group called Celtic Shift which consists of both my elementary and high school music teachers playing penny whistle and piano! I am so excited to have the chance to work with these two amazing musicians and to perform my love of fiddle music on a more regular basis. I will keep you all up to date on any shows we may be doing. 

All lessons remain the same through Friday to Monday of Easter weekend unless we have arranged something else. There will be no group on Monday. Only 3 group classes remain in April so I expect 100% attendance to prepare for the recital. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend. 

Saturday, March 09, 2013

The Move, Kiwanis, & Schedule Changes

I just spent the afternoon moving all my teaching/music stuff and setting up my new teaching area. I am so excited for everyone to see it!

If you did not receive an official notice of change of address from me or have any questions about parking, directions, etc. please let me know. Today (Saturday) was my last day teaching on Marigold Street. Therefore, all further lessons will be at 1320 Savannah Drive Unit 64.

The next group class will be on Monday March 18th, 2013, right after March Break.

Kiwanis is right around the corner. If you signed up for Kiwanis I will hopefully be arranging a rehearsal/masterclass with accompanist Sharie St. John. I'm looking at the last two weekends of March. I realize the last weekend is Easter, but that will be the last available weekend before Kiwanis starts in April. So please stay tuned and I appreciate in advance everyone's flexibility to make rehearsals work, as I know Sharie is always very busy this time of year accompanying at multiple music festivals.

The schedule for Kiwanis normally is sent out last minute close to when the festival starts. Sometimes the schedule is sent to me, and sometimes it is sent to you. Please let me know if you receive anything from the Kiwanis festival and I will do the same for you.

Also, please keep an eye out for an e-mail from me near the end of March Break. There have been many changes made to my schedule in terms of lesson times, and if we have made a switch, I will send out an e-mail just confirming the time change. Please let me know ASAP if anything has changed on your end. You will have until the end of March Break to make an further lesson changes. 

I hope you all have a nice March Break and have time to enjoy some this Spring like weather we are having.


Saturday, February 16, 2013


In light of my recent move and not having internet except for at my mom's for almost two weeks now, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates and to say thank you for everyone's patience and for the wonderful contributions at the silent auction last weekend! I was so pleased with everyone's efforts and was blown away by the performances! I think we need to make this an annual tradition just for the chance to experience what it is like playing in a duet/trio ensemble. Congratulations to everyone for working so hard to make the recital a success.

Just a couple updates while I'm at it:

  • Next group class is Monday February 25th
  • Year End Recital is Sunday April 28th at 3:00. I know this seems like a ways away but we only have a few group classes left to rehearse before this recital. So I expect everyone to be at the last few group classes of this year so that everyone is prepared for the year end.
  • Although it is not a requirement, everyone from my studio is welcome to perform at my mom's annual piano recital on Sunday June 2nd. Please let me know if you are interested. Also, be aware that the Saturday before on June 1st is the pool party at Sharon's. 

This post is titled Growlin' for those wishing to learn the fiddle tune Growlin' Old Man & Old Woman. I have recorded it first slow so as to learn it by ear and then up to speed. Enjoy!

Friday, January 04, 2013

A New Year Update

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, a Happy New Year and some time to relax. As we head into the new year I have a few announcements to make:

1. The first group class is on Monday January 7th, and lessons start that week as well. 

2. The third parent education meeting will be held during group class on January 14th. Please be there to refine your knowledge of the Suzuki method.

3. I am moving in February! My new address will be 1320 Savannah Drive Unit 64, which is in the condominium complex off of Sunningdale Road past Mother Teresa Highschool. I am so excited about this move as my fiance and I purchased this place with all of you in mind. I will have a much bigger teaching area which will also allow me to start running Suzuki ECE classes and a space for group play-ins/masterclasses and rehearsals. I will keep everyone updated as to when the switch in teaching locations will take place. My schedule will be opening up with the move, so if you are not happy with the lesson time you currently have, I will be excepting requests for lesson time changes. Let me know.

4. The next recital is on Sunday February 10th. This is our Silent Auction. If you have anything that could be donated please let me know.

5. For those in the fiddle group; please keep playing your fiddle tunes everyday! The next few weeks of rehearsals are going to go by really quick and before we know it the show will be here. Please refer to your rehearsal schedule regularly as 100% attendance is required and there are no exceptions. So rehearse, be prepared and have fun. These performances are unlike any other performance you will do.

See everyone Monday!