Monday, December 18, 2017

A Reflection on 2017

Thank you all for a wonderful Holiday Recital. Things ran so smoothly despite the number of different groups performing and the new things we tried to do. Our Ceilidh group class was so much fun playing our favourite songs and visiting with one another. Such a great way to end 2017.

How old are you Maggie?
Looking back on where I was and who I was last year at this time, my life has changed in more ways than it has stayed the same. Although this change has been incredible it has also been a challenge, both physically and mentally.

I see Margaret approach huge milestones on a weekly basis. As adults, our milestones of growth stretch out over years and decades. As I approach one of these milestones in just over a month, I've been reflecting a lot and setting goals for the future. This has been daunting.

Just as I tell my students that learning never stops, that even though we have done something one way for so long does not mean that we stop growing or stop learning. We can always learn to do things better, to practice more proficiently and to listen more intently. This is continuing education, a lifetime of learning and something I want to give focus to in 2018.

Before I take a break for the Holidays, I'm starting my plans for the New Year and making lists of new things I want to try and improve at. It can be all too easy to get lost in the everyday busyness and forget to really notice if what we are filling are days with are really the things that make us happy. Making the decision to do something different even if just for 5 or 10 minutes a day can make all the difference in the world and positively influence every area of our lives. The strong bent thumb challenge has reminded me of the importance of the "one point lesson" and that simplicity is key for making these changes possible.

As we approach the holidays, stop to see the young ones in awe of this time of year. Get out into the cold for an adventure and relax with the people who mean the most to you. Share your music with family and friends and keep the holidays simple.

I look forward to seeing everyone back in 2018 starting private lessons on January 15th and group class on January 23rd.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Recital: Sunday December 3rd at 2:00

Important Recital Information

Arrival Time - no later than 1:45
Dress Code - comfortable, festive, etc.
All friends & family welcome!

This is a fun yet difficult recital to arrange and perform in. There is a different energy from the performers when we play together rather than individually, not to mention that little bit of magic from this time of year. I have seen students take on leadership roles preparing for this recital, fine tune duet parts, learn brand new pieces, work on tricky practice spots and take care to play together with their peers. I look forward to seeing how these ensembles unfold.

New for this recital is the "A Star Wars Sleigh Ride" ensemble. Two great tunes mashed into one. Everyone learned the Star Wars theme in MINUTES!

The Small Steps Music Class will sing their compositions at this recital. You'll see kids from 5 months to 3 years old on stage showing off their skills!

Although there is no fiddle class for this recital, Alison and I are excited to feature a fiddle set of some of our favourite tunes. Hopefully we'll inspire some students to get the class up and running again in the new year!

Keep playing, keep practicing and keeping finding those SBT's and big bows to the frog! See you all on Sunday.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Fall Parent Ed Night 2017 Recap

Last Tuesday was our Parent Ed Night. Thank you to all the parents for your ideas and for chatting with me about Amy's Violin School and all things practice related. For those of you unable to attend, here is what we talked about:

The NEW Credit/Debit Payments seem to be going smoothly. Although this is still technically a trial run for me, I am enjoying the convenience as well. We will see how it all works out by the end of the school year. 

Make note in your calendar of the TWO WEEKS MARCH BREAK that I am taking this year. There will be NO Lessons from March 12th-24th. This week is made up for at the end of the school year (June 4th - 9th),
It's almost been a year!

Even though I have a no makeup policy for lessons, I still like to try to make up any missed student lessons if I am able. I have been feeling very inflexible lately and have not been able to make up lessons as I have in the past. Bear with me as I work through this transitional stage of working while having an almost 1 year old.

I'm looking for a great performance opportunity that all the students could go to! I'm keeping my eyes pealed for something unique. If you see that a great band or performer is playing in the city, please let me know. 

On to the Parent Ed Quiz:

How often should practice happen?
- we all unanimously said EVERYDAY/DAILY

What should the duration of practice be?
- although we agreed that this can depend on the child and the age of the child, it's more important to focus not so much on the duration of the practice, but the quality of the practice. If practice is focused and specific and done in small steps, you can accomplish a lot more in a shorter amount of time.

Why is review so important to developing our skills?
- establishes the foundation for developing new skills. Through developing this thorough mastery of pieces, we can find a different level of joy in playing pieces well. This in turn builds confidence and understanding and cements those basic skills.

How do you encourage repetitions to young children and/or teenagers/adults?
- make the repetitions small and specific. From counting fingers and beads, filling in charts, collecting stickers, the creative possibilities are endless for young children. Sometimes just the fact that they can hear themselves improving is enough to keep them repeating. For teenagers and adults however, we can start to loose the joy of repetitions. Even when we know how to do them and why we need to do them, it can be hard to actually implement them. Setting goals and small rewards for ourselves can go a long way. When we have something that we are working towards it forces us to look at the task and not just put it on our list of things we will get to, but to make a plan and execute it. Plus, there's nothing wrong with having a warm cup of coffee or a baked treat (something small that you enjoy) to reward ourselves for a job well done.

Why is listening so important to learning the violin?
- to develop our ears, pitch, to understand the repertoire and to understand the instrument.

What skills blossom through attending group class?
- performing, confidence, friendship, motivation, respect, leadership, teamwork, ensemble, listening, patience.

Fill in the Blank Quotes:

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Every Child Can Learn.

Environment Nurtures Growth.

Parental Involvement is Critical.

You should only practice on the days you eat.

Character first, ability second.

Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus 10,000 times is skill.

The fate of a child is in the hands of his parents.

Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear find music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

What's Happening in November

Wonder Baby!
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. November is here and this month is about to fly by. Here's what you need to know so that we can make the most out of this busy time of year.

The next group class is Tuesday November 7th and this is our PARENT ED EVENT. Join me as we chat about the Suzuki Method, ideas for the new year and check in with how practice is going at home for everyone.

The repertoire and groups have been released for the Holiday Recital on December 3rd. Check in with me at lesson to find out what you/your child is playing and who they are playing with! Everyone is responsible for a combination of at least 2 pieces or more that are either a challenge, review, harmony or holiday piece.

Our ensemble piece this year is a mash up of the Star Wars Theme & Sleigh Ride. I look forward to working on these fun tunes with everyone over the next few weeks.

Although rehearsal for this recital will start on Tuesday November 14th, the MANDATORY REHEARSAL is Tuesday November 28th. Don't miss it!

Keep working on your Strong Bent Thumbs and bow control so we can show off our skills in a months time!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fall Recital

There was a lot of talk about nerves at the October 22nd Recital (despite confident performances from everyone!). From the shakes to stomach butterflies to wobbly knees. All of which I am far too familiar with. The knots began to tighten in my stomach as the start of the recital came around, but as I looked out in the audience at all the families, some who I have known for 7 years now, I felt at ease.

Every student showed on Sunday that they could WORK HARD. Practice spots were fixed, focus was seen and the dynamics were just beautiful. Solid performances by everyone and a great first recital of the school year!

If I had a switch I could flick so that you all wouldn't have to experience nerves... I'd definitely want to switch it off because I know the feeling all to well and don't wish any of you to feel it. However, it's also an important feeling to be able to conquer and unless we are put in these situations, it becomes harder and harder to face. Dealing with nerves is part of being human and it's something we can all work on. I work on it everyday when I put my teaching shoes on and perform. The nice thing about these Suzuki recitals is that it is a safe environment to practice these tricky skills. Nothing bad can happen at a Suzuki recital, no matter how nervous we feel since we are all supported by parents, siblings, teachers and friends.

See you all for Group Class THIS October 24th
but NO Group Class on October 31st (Halloween!)

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 22nd Recital

It's just a week until the first recital of the school year! Everyone has been polishing their pieces and working on tone through renewing our Strong Bent Thumb habits.

This recital features a focus on review, graduating students, and a reception where everyone can congratulate each other on their hard work.

Please consider something that you would like to contribute to the RECEPTION on Sunday.

Arrival time is 1:45 for a 2:00 start.

The busyness of this time of year has begun and as a result we have a few more absences than normal at this recital. Although the recital may be a tad shorter than previous years, it will definitely not be lacking in readiness. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's hard work pay off!

This Tuesday October 17th is the MANDATORY REHEARSAL for the recital.

The following Tuesday October 24th will be a Halloween Themed Group Class (costumes optional).

Tuesday October 31st there is NO GROUP - Enjoy your Halloween!

This fall is the first in 4 years that I will no be running Fiddle Class. Although I am disappointed by this, I am welcoming some time off on my Saturday afternoons to regroup and put together some great ideas for the winter. Stay tuned for winter Fiddle Class dates and other performing opportunities available as part of the December 3rd Holiday Recital!

Friday, October 06, 2017


I have so many half finish posts and projects on the go right now. So many ideas I want to share with you all but my mind seems to be in chaos since the move this summer. I live for organization and although I have accomplished all the major projects from moving, my list of little projects seems to be growing by the day. So while I work on reorganizing my life and my work, posts may continue to be minimal on the blog. I will still post reminders and important dates on here, but other works will be on hold. I hope to get back into the swing of writing soon.

I have seen some great strides in practice over these past couple weeks and students working diligently to get in daily practice. Don't forget about your STRONG BENT THUMBS! Keep working on your schedules and trying to prioritize everything that you want to accomplish in a day and I will continue to do the same as I work through all these changes.

We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful long weekend! 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Group Class This Week & Fiddle Registration

GROUP CLASS starts this Tuesday September 19th! Although my plans for this terms recitals are still in the works, I am so excited to start working on group projects with everyone over the next few weeks. Coming up on Tuesday will be a chance for us all to get reacquainted and to brush up on our review pieces from a possible rusty summer (although many of you had very productive summers!).

Also coming up in a few weeks is the return of the FALL FIDDLE CLASS. Fiddle Class will start after Thanksgiving weekend on Saturday October 14th. Be aware that if you have been to fiddle class before, class will now run from 1:00-2:00 at my place (as opposed to 1:30-2:30).
You may register ONLINE HERE

FIDDLE CLASS is a great opportunity for those playing Book 1 Etude and higher to learn more about sight reading and music theory as well as playing a different style of music that involve lots of movement and creativity. The Winter 2017 Class put on a beautiful show at Chartwell Residence and I look forward to going back there in December!

PARKING UPDATE: The driveway has still not been paved but is currently accessible. Will send out an e-mail if the driveway will be unavailable to use again. Thanks for your cooperation!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

2017-2018 Lessons Begin!

All major renovations are done and I am so excited for everyone to see the new lesson space! Here are a few reminders as you make your way to the new house this week:
  • There is construction currently on Glengarry Ave and driveway parking in temporarily unavailable. There is still parking available on the road but it will be congested in the evenings as school lets out. Once construction is done, you are welcome to park on the driveway and you may pull in behind my Dodge Caravan (except for MONDAY students, DO NOT block the van). Please do not pull in an block any other vehicle. Also try to leave room for a car to pull in on either side of your own car. 
  • When you arrive, please come in through the side door located directly off the driveway. You will see a welcome sign so you know you are at the correct door. The entry way is very tiny, so please take your shoes off and carry them downstairs where you will find a shoe and coat rack. The washroom is also located downstairs.
  • As always, plan on arriving to lesson a few minutes early so you can find a place to park, enter without rushing and take your time unpacking and getting ready for lesson. This is not only important for the little ones to feel this calm right before learning takes place, but for the parent as well. If we are calm and ready, children are more likely to be as well.
  • Been thinking about Graduating? Our October 22nd recital is a great time to graduate a Suzuki Book but NOW is the time to start preparing. If you are interested in graduating, please speak to me this week so we can come up with a plan to be prepared!
  • I am currently running a FREE drop in class on Thursday September 14th at 10:30 for my Small Steps Baby & Toddler Music Class. Please come by and check this class out! You can find all registration details HERE.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Registration for Small Steps Music Class Available Online

I'm reaching out to all my Suzuki families and asking for your help once again to spread the word about my Small Steps Music Class for Babies, Toddlers and Parents.

Music is such a powerful way to teach not only children, but babies. Aside from the musical skills a young child can develop from coming to a music class, more importantly is the bond that develops between parent and child and the social, physical, cognitive and emotional experiences that can blossom through class. Plus, it's a great way to get new parents and baby out of the house and doing something educational for the baby/toddler and supportive for the parent.

I am currently running a FREE drop in class on Thursday September 14th at 10:30. Please come by and check out this class. You can find all registration details HERE.

Please tell your friends and any new parents about this class!

As always, thank you so much for your time in reading these posts and for continuing to support Amy's Violin School!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Lessons start back in two weeks and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the basement will be ready to go. If you haven't been to the new house yet for a lesson, I've been temporarily set up on the main floor for teaching, but I am so excited to have the basement available to teach out of come September. Stay tuned for details!

I hope everyone has had an exciting summer and as you wind down and get ready for the new school year to start, I have one last adventure to tell you about - Ontario place is FREE this weekend in Toronto and you can catch me playing with Celtic Shift at 3:00! Click HERE for details.

And just because.... she has just learned how to clap her hands together and desperately wants to walk! We look forward to seeing you all shortly!

Monday, July 10, 2017

The craziness begins...

Summer lessons are starting and here is your fair warning that the house will be A MESS! If  you missed the announcement in the last post, I am MOVING! IN TWO WEEKS! The craziness has started and it's like the walls have exploded. Keep an eye out for details on when lessons are switching over to the new location (probably all summer lessons from July 26th and on will be at the new house).

I quickly wanted to mention some great opportunities to see some music throughout the summer.

Home County Folk Festival is coming up in London this weekend in Victoria Park.

Goderich Celtic Festival brings in amazing groups from around the world every year. Check them out the second weekend in August.

NEW this year is the Greenbridge Celtic Festival hosted by Natalie Macmaster and the Leahy's! Located near Peterbourough, it's more of a drive but a must see group of performers!

Lastly, if you are going to be in the Toronto area Labour Day Weekend, you will find me playing with Celtic Shift at Ontario Place!

Need any violin tune ups or questions about any pieces you are playing at home? Don't hesitate to give me a call or send me an e-mail.

Hope you all are enjoying your summer. See you soon!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Only 2 weeks of lessons left!

There has been a significant decrease in the number of posts over the past few months. That's not to say I haven't been working or lacking in creativity, my energies have just been elsewhere I suppose.

Here is what's been happening:

Changes to Registration and Tuition Payments
FINALLY - a change to post-dated cheques. If you like the post-dated cheque option, this method of payment is still available to you. However, now you can pay online, in lesson and the best option, be automatically charged the tuition fee each month when you choose to save your credit information. I'm excited to see how this goes this year and hopefully it makes things easier and more convenient for everyone.

Fiddle Class
Class this session did a beautiful performance at Chartwell Residence. Our arrangement of Crested Hens was the best it has ever sounded and the concentration and enjoyment I saw from everyone was astounding. This class continues to surprise me in terms of what we are all capable of doing on our violins. Stay tuned for some sound clips on the Fiddle Class page!

Maggie turned 6 months - on June 5th!
Over the past week she has learned to sit independently and came to the realization that she can vocalize - LOUDLY! She has also been eating up a storm the past few weeks from rice cereal and oatmeal to an arrangement of fruits and veggies. Arrowroot cookies are for the moment banned as she has a tantrum once the cookie is all gone...

We are MOVING - to 1526 Glengarry Ave.
This move was not planned, AT ALL, but an opportunity came that we could not pass up. Glengarry is just over by A.B. Lucas Highschool so thankfully location hasn't changed. Keep your eyes open for e-mails throughout the summer as to when lessons will be switching over to this new location and details as to where to go.

As we head into the last two weeks of lessons, I want to thank you all once again for a great year. I hope you all have a safe and happy summer, stay hydrated and cool, and find some opportunities to play the violin and get out to hear some music!

Monday, June 05, 2017

Registration for 2017-2018 Available

It's time to register for the Fall - NEW this year is the ONLINE Registration & Payment Schedules.

Everyone was e-mailed a lesson registration form outlining fees and payment schedules.

Click HERE to register for the Fall & request any changes to lesson times.

Click HERE to access all the dates for the 2017-2018 school year.

Once I receive the ONLINE REGISTRATION, you will be sent an invoice in which you can pay for the Membership fee. You may pay for this fee online (through the invoice), or by cash or cheque.

If you want to take advantage of the NEW Monthly Credit Withdrawals, please click the option on the invoice to save your credit information. That way, you will automatically be charged each month. 

Please let me know if you have any questions through any of these changes. 
Thanks for a great year everyone!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Year End Recital 2017 - DONE!

Another school year is coming to a close and we pulled off another successful year end recital. I had such a great time playing the Seitz Concerto, seeing teamwork in playing Lightly Row and dancing to Witches Dance. The pizzicato was a little speedy but so cool sounding! Wishing was beautiful and piano solos were played with confidence.

We recognized two students who have contributed so much to group class and to their studies this year as well as two invaluable parents who participate in group class.

I forgot to publicly thank our accompanists Drew, Alison and Nancy. I truly appreciate their time and patience through understanding my ideas and for helping make what I hear in my head a reality.

Although the Year End Recital is done, we still have a few weeks left of work to do. Lessons run until July 1st and Fiddle Class continues on May 27th, June 3rd and our show on June 10th at Chartwell Residence!.

By the way, did anyone happen to get a recording of the end of the show, from Witches Dance to Wishing? I would love to see/hear how Wishing turned out with the new violin arrangement if anyone caught it on tape (my battery died by Long Long Ago!)

Thanks again everyone for a great year!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

One Last Reminder

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Recital on Sunday May 14th at 2:00 (1:45 arrival).

Maggie has her outfit ready to go (see below). Make sure to wear your Amy's Violin School shirt and dark bottoms.

There are NO MORE GROUP CLASSES but all private lessons remain until the end of June.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Words to Wishing

Verse 1:
Wa ta khu shi do mo wa, mi na yo i ko de su

O to sa ma o kaa sa ma o ne ga i i ta shi ma su

Verse 2:
Do no ko mo so da tsu so no mi chi o

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Recital Countdown

We are just 12 days until the recital and although things are sounding great, there is still lots to be done.

Important Reminders:

Dress Code - Amy's Violin School T-shirt and dark bottoms.
If you need a new T-shirt size, now is the time to purchase these ($15/each)

Arrival Time on May 14th - No later than 1:45.

Take the time this week to focus on all the recital pieces. Everyone has pieces that are easy and pieces that are a challenge. Find confidence in knowing that we are all working together for a common goal.

Although some focus was lacking from class tonight (who can focus at 5:30 in the evening anyways?) the listening was impeccable. We will be focusing in on more recital details in this weeks and next weeks private lessons.

I am so excited to perform the full Seitz Concerto, along with special spot performances, a wacky Witches Dance, beautiful harmonies and pizzicato pieces.

Although the recital takes place on May 14th - Mother's Day, I think there are many people along with all the Mothers that can be recognized for their incredible work and dedication. We'll find out who before we sing Wishing on recital day!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wishing Auditions

Interested in playing the violin part to Wishing this year? Check out the sheet music below. Let me know in lesson if you are interested and take the week to look over the parts. Next week in lesson, I will be holding auditions to put together this years Wishing Ensemble! Good luck and start playing!

(better copies of music available in lesson)

Friday, April 07, 2017

Musical Show & Tell

I enjoyed Tuesdays musical show and tell so much. It was great to see what is popular among so many different ages and the other musical talents students have. I have seen such growth in students secondary instruments over the past few years. What a hard working group of students to be able to accomplish so many different things! Here are a few examples of what we did.

I have also had many students who have been composing songs to sing or play on the violin (click HERE to check out Incredibox!). Other students are being creative in how they practice and play their review pieces. The fiddle class is underway with new repertoire to listen to and the advanced students are working away at learning the full Seitz Concerto. I look forward to many more creative weeks ahead!

Monday, April 03, 2017

Year End Recital Repertoire (Sunday May 14th)

Book 4
Concerto No. 2 in G Major by Seitz

Book 3
Bach Gavotte

Book 2
Lully Gavotte
Witches Dance

Book 1
Minuet 2
Perpetual Motion
Long Long Ago
May Song
Lightly Row
Ti Ti Sh Ti
Twinkle Theme

Wishing, Fiddle Class, Advanced Ensemble

Get to know the full Seitz Concerto! (Psst... no clapping in between movements!)

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Family Inspiration

I've been reflecting on the past few weeks of lessons and some of the things I've heard and seen from my Suzuki families. Some students have gotten into great practice routines while others are still struggling to make new habits. Some follow their review charts precisely while others are a bit more choosy. Whatever your practice challenges may be, the start of Spring signifies the return of routine and a second chance to set healthy habits.

I'm taking motivation today from my some of my students who are working hard to make music an important part of their daily lives. I hope they don't mind me sharing their stories.

Start a family band or weekly kitchen party!
I know many families who not only have children playing the violin, but siblings who play other instruments or the parents play instruments themselves. Gather as a family with the instrument of your choice and play anything together. Even the youngest in the family can join in with simple percussion instruments like shakers or drums. Have fun experimenting and enjoying the time together being creative.

Family Review Time
Start practice off with a challenge. Assign a leader for the week (a family member). The leader must initiate the start of practice for the day and lead the family through review pieces. Then you may all break away and work on your own repertoire. If the leader forgets to initiate practice for the day, the leader loses all electronic privileges. So proud of this family for such an amazing idea!

Set daily practice with another daily activity
Many students are finding success in pairing daily practice with another daily activity such as breakfast or dinner, getting home from school or after homework. For older students or adults who have more work and less time for extra curriculars, remember that a few minutes of music is a healthy brain boost which can make your extended studies more successful.

New commitments to Review Charts
Many students are taking a new interest in developing review habits. Whether it is following a review chart or picking random pieces from a bowl, challenge yourself to play a handful of review pieces everyday.

Review Book Challenge
Set a timer and see how long it takes you to play through one whole Suzuki book from start to finish. Not only is this an excellent test of our how well we know our review pieces but also an endurance challenge. Reflect on the hard work and dedication it has taken to be able to play and know so many pieces!

Listening in the Car
This is a great use of time for listening. Many families are finding success in listening to their current and up coming repertoire on the way to and from music lessons and other extra curricular activities. The more we listen, the more we know.

Great work everyone! Keep challenging yourselves and one another to find fun and inspiring ways to enhance your musical studies!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Character First, Next Group Class & Last Call for Fiddle

The Character First Challenge is underway. I'll be watching and helping everyone over the next few weeks as they persevere through personal challenges, whether it be establishing daily practice, being a mentor in class, being diligent with using full bows in practice or stepping out of a comfort zone in group class. The more we challenge and push ourselves, the greater our abilities become. Good luck everyone!

Next group class is a musical show and tell. Please bring in another instrument that you play or share a piece of music that you love or a performer. Maybe you have a family member that plays another instrument that you could show or a favourite movie musical to tell us about (I will have my computer to look things up if needed). What else outside of the Suzuki method and the violin do you love? My family is currently enjoying the new Beauty & the Beast soundtrack!

Also, just a reminder that Fiddle Class starts this Saturday April 1st. If you would like to still sign up for fiddle class, please let me know ASAP.

Stay tuned for the repertoire list for the Year End Recital on May 14th! 

A HELLO from baby Margaret!

Monday, March 06, 2017

Congratulations Everyone!

Even though our theme has been Character First, Ability Second, the ability shown on Sunday's Recital was incredible. I saw big steps in ability from every single performer, whether it was listening for accurate intonation, watching their violins, remembering posture points or taking time with the tempo of the piece. Everyone had a challenge to work through and I saw everyone succeed.

As I sorted through the Candy Grams today it was so great to see the friendships and kindness that is present in this musical community. It is not an easy task to get up and perform in front of a room full of people. However, doing so in a friendly and supportive environment can make all the difference in the world and can teach us confidence so that we may find the courage to perform or speak up in other areas of our life.

Thank you to everyone who supported Amy's Violin School by purchasing Candy Grams and Raffle Tickets and congratulations to all the raffle winners!

Also, thank to this years parent volunteers and those who offered help. Your time and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Lastly, thank you to our accompanists Drew and Nancy for their time and work.


There is NO Group Class March 7th or March 21st.

The NEXT GROUP CLASS is March 28th

There are NO LESSONS during March Break.

Someone also turned 3 months old on Recital Day!

Monday, February 27, 2017

March 5th Recital Fundraising

It's a week until the March 5th Recital! This recital features solo performances, graduating students and fundraising for Amy's Violin School.

Make sure to come early (1:30 arrival time please!) in order to get your violins ready and to check out the fundraising table where you will find candy grams to send to friends in group class as well as some great new raffle items!

Raffle tickets and Candy Grams are all $1 each or 6 for $5.

Here's a sneak peak at some of the items:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Parent Ed Event 2017

It was a smaller gathering this past Parent Ed Event, but we went over some details concerning the next few months of lessons as well as read a simple book with a profound message. Here is a recap of what we discussed.

The Year End Recital is scheduled for Sunday May 14th, which is Mother's Day. It's seems as if this should not pose any absences so we will go ahead with this recital date as planned. Let me know ASAP if you know for sure you will be unable to attend because it is Mother's Day.

We will be doing some fundraising at the March 5th Recital! Everyone will receive an update on how much is in the fund, what the money has gone towards and future uses for the money earned. On March 5th, there will be the opportunity to send candy grams to friends in group class as well as the chance to win some raffle prizes with some new goodies this year!

The Parents as Partners Event is underway. If anyone else would like to sign up for $12, please let me know!

PARENT ASSIGNMENT for February 28th GROUP CLASS! Parents are challenged to an assignment at the next group class to notice something positive that their child has done in group class or lesson and something they have notice another student do in class.

Group on February 28th is a MANDATORY REHEARSAL!

Lastly, we read The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. Although I generally use this book in the Small Steps Baby, Toddler and Parent Music Class, it reminds us of the importance of helping children develop strong character traits such as perseverance, hard work, accepting challenges, never giving up, and believing in themselves. As adults, this book reminds us that our children do not learn or develop instantaneously. Everything takes time. Even how we learn as adults takes time. But if we work at our goals everyday, we will succeed.

Thank you Suzuki Parents!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Character First Challenge

A famous quote by Shinichi Suzuki is, "Character First, Ability Second." Suzuki music lessons are not just about developing a child's musical ability, but nurturing strong character traits. Who we are as human beings comes before our ability to do a certain skill well. After all, if we are determined enough, we can accomplish just about anything, but without character, many of our potential skills may fail.

Here are some things we can consider doing concerning Suzuki Violin lessons:

Helping others
Coming to class prepared
Trying your best
Raising your hand
Listening to teacher, parents & peers
Asking for help
Doing things even when they are challenging
Never giving up
Setting goals
Being honest
Supporting peers
Entering class quietly & promptly

There are endless ways to develop character in the lesson and at home. Parents, make your own list of character traits you want for your child and encourage positive behaviour on a daily basis. 

I will be keeping track of all the amazing things I see everyone do in class and at lesson and will be encouraging new behaviours and skills on a weekly basis. Those who have made the most effort will be recognized before the Year End Recital!

Monday, February 06, 2017

"I want to QUIT"

We've heard this phrase from the three years old through teenagers. There will come a time when your child reaches a level of frustration or overwhelm, quite possibly not even related to practicing the violin, and yet the dreaded phrase comes out. More often then not, when teachers hear this phrase it is accompanied by the parents concern of, "maybe my child just doesn't like the violin anymore. Maybe we should try something else."

The problem surrounding the issue, "I want to quit violin" is that we can treat music lessons as an extra part of our lifestyle. Even though as Suzuki teachers we relate learning music to the importance of brushing our teeth, eating our vegetables, exercising, doing homework, etc. it still seems like music can be last on the list of things to do in a day. But does it need to be?

How often does your child fight you on bed times or taking a bath, eating their well balanced meal or finishing their homework? We all have times when we want to quit everything in our lives. But when we make the decision as to what will fit into our lifestyle, it shouldn't matter how many "I QUITs" are thrown out there. Music will not be going anywhere. Your child will thank you one day for not letting them quit music lessons and for helping them make practice fun and worthwhile. I am so grateful to my mom for making music an important part of our lifestyle, especially during the times when I didn't want to do it anymore.

Communicate with your teacher regularly when the "I Quits" come around and come up with a game plan for moving forward. As much as we feel our situations are unique and they are in many ways, WE ARE NEVER ALONE. Someone else has felt what you are feeling and has gone through similar struggles. Most likely your teacher has dealt with similar situations and will give you some things to try. Bring up your concerns at the next parent education night! Suzuki Violin lessons are not just about building a community for the kids, but a support system of parents who all care about the same things. Keep being the amazing parents that you are and stay strong with what you know is the best for your kids!

See you all at the next Parent Education night on Valentines Day, Tuesday February 14th!

P.S. Maggie is now 2 months old!

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Parents as Partners Event 2017

It's time for the Parents as Partners Event and this year brings some changes. Not only can you access the videos until October now, but you have some options as to how to view the content. As always, you will receive an e-mail with the links to the videos, but also available will be podcasts and transcripts, so no matter what you are doing (even if it's endless diaper changes and nursing!) you can access the videos from any electronic device and listen, watch or read them. What a great convenience to continue our Suzuki studies and to gather some inspiration for the New Year!

The first 5 registrants are FREE! All other registrants pay $12, so sign up quick in lesson!

Friday, January 06, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hi Everyone - here are some updates as we head into the New Year!

I am CANCELLING the first week of lessons to 2017. Therefore, lessons will resume Monday January 30th
Since Maggie arrived a week late, I would like to take one more week off with her to prepare for my work schedule. Since I am cancelling a lesson, you will have the option of receiving a refund or an extra summer lesson. This will be arranged once lessons resume.

The next Group Class is Tuesday January 31st.
This class will feature a Review Challenge, so make sure to be playing your review pieces over the next few weeks. Remember, mastering our review pieces allows for greater progress in our advanced pieces.

The next Parent Ed Event is Tuesday February 14th.
I look forward to seeing all the parents at this event as well as treating you all to coffee and valentines treats as we chat about all things Suzuki Violin!

The next recital is Sunday March 5th.
This recital features solo performances, graduating students and fundraising for the school. We will be discussing this more as we get back into lessons, but if there is an item you would like to donate to the raffle this year, please let me know!

The Year End Recital is Sunday May 14th.
Please make sure you have this date in your Calendar. It has recently come to my attention through all the changes this year that this recital falls on Mother's Day. I will be confirming with everyone that attendance will be as usual to this recital and we can all have a small Mother's Day celebration together!

Some New Year Music Inspiration - The East Pointers