Thursday, October 20, 2016

Irish Pub Night with Celtic Shift

Looking for a night out? 
Check out Celtic Shift performing at Eldon House for an Irish Pub Night!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Group Class Recap #2

NO Group Class THIS WEEK! 
See you back for Group on October 25th!

Our Rehearsal Group Class was smooth sailing last week, which isn't always the case on rehearsal days. This can be a tough group class to make it through, especially for the little ones. There are no games, not much talk, activities or challenges, just playing, playing and more playing. They might get bored pretty easily.

Bored kids is exactly what we are trying to avoid right? WRONG.

Being bored is such an important state for a kid to be in and it is a time when we truly see their character and overall behaviour. Can they self regulate, self calm, be patient, listen quietly, be respectful?

There may have been some boredom at group class, but everyone demonstrated incredible character. From little boys chatting quietly about their violins, to big eyes looking up in awe at more advanced players rehearsing. From girls practicing their piece together as they realize they are preparing the same song and many kids facing their fears, but stepping up on stage and trying their best anyway.

These are the moments we want to remember and acknowledge in children. When they are able to, without being directly asked to, sit quietly, be respectful, wait patiently for their turn and support their peers. There is definitely a magic felt when those of all ages are on the same page as to the task at hand and they get it done. I felt this unity last week and it was amazing to be a part of.

This character and understanding of one another is truly what violin lessons and group classes are all about.

"Character First, Ability Second" - Shinichi Suzuki

Thursday, October 13, 2016

One Last Reminder...

Our Sunday October 16th Recital will start promptly at 2:00 at Siloam United Church. 

Arrive NO LATER than 1:45 and as early as 1:15.

Don't forget your reception treat!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Holiday Repertoire Sign-up

We've got our 2nd recital coming up on Sunday November 20th. This recital will embrace the skill of playing in small and big ensembles rather than as a soloist. It also provides the opportunity for more advanced players to focus less on playing advanced repertoire (we'll save that for February!) and more on the skills of sight reading, playing duet parts and taking on leadership roles.

Every student must sign up for at least ONE Suzuki piece (melody or harmony) and may also sign up for ONE Holiday piece as well.

Everyone will participate in playing Jingle Bells and the new ensemble this year is an arrangement of Carol of the Bells!

Take a look at the following list of pieces and come to lesson next week (Oct. 17th) with an idea of some pieces you might want to sign up for (selections will be guided by teacher):

Suzuki Pieces:
Twinkle (variation or theme) + duet
Lightly Row + duet
Song of the Wind + duet
O Come Little Children + duet
May Song + duet
Allegro + duet
Minuet 1 + duet
Chorus + duet
Bouree + duet

Holiday Pieces:
Up on the Housetop
The First Noel
Joy to the World
Deck the Halls
O Christmas Tree
Silent Night

Friday, October 07, 2016

Recital & Reception: Sunday October 16th, 2:00

Our first recital of the school year is almost here. On Sunday October 16th, 2:00 at Siloam United Church, we will gather to share our music and support one another in our preparations as well as enjoy a reception at the end of the recital.

You will find a sign-up sheet in lesson for the reception as this year I am trying to encourage some healthy alternatives. Feel free to sign up for fruit/veggie trays, cheese & crackers and chips & dip so that we might have a balance between the treats and some healthier choices.

This weekend is the perfect time to do a practice performance of your recital piece! As family gathers for Thanksgiving, make sure to get out the violins and put on a mini performance! Some things to keep in mind when you are preparing for a performance are as follows:
  • take time to set up your posture points and any others
  • prepare your starting note and where you are starting on your bow
  • listen for the introduction (either on the cd or in your head) OR rehearse the 'Sniff & Nod' lead
  • play through the piece thinking only about what has to be done in that moment. Listen to your tone, feel the music and work through your checklist of things to remember.
  • take time to end the piece, either with the bow on the strings or off the strings
  • lastly, bow & smile!
The mandatory rehearsal group class is this Tuesday October 11th at 5:00. This recital is essential to not only rehearse with piano but to support our peers. Any unexplained absences from class will result in NOT participating in the recital.

It is hard work to get up on stage and share a part of ourselves with the audience. Embrace the challenge, remember that we are all in this together and that mistakes are allowed as long as we stay true to ourselves, try our best and enjoy these moments. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 03, 2016

Starting New Habits for a Successful School Year!

So summer has come to an end and we all need to get back in routine. So much of developing a working routine is setting daily habits. These may be designating a time for homework, reading and doing chores, or finding time to prepare dinners, clean the house and exercise with a busy schedule. There are some great habits we can establish NOW to prepare for a successful year of violin.

Daily Practice - Remember that consistency is key to not only developing habits but also for young children to accept and understand new routines. The family that requires practice to happen a few minutes EVERYDAY will have more success (and less convincing!) than those that only practice occasionally, but for longer amounts of time. Daily habits are healthy habits.

REVIEW before NEW Pieces - failure to play previously learned pieces means that our new skills will suffer if not stop all together. Get playing those oldies!

Daily Listening - along with consistent daily practice must come daily listening. Listening ensures that we have a deeper understanding of our repertoire and our instrument and also opens up incredible motivational doors.

OBSERVATION: Attend Performances & Recitals - another motivational booster. Upcoming recitals on Oct. 16th and Nov. 20th are mandatory, but there is so much to hear outside of the violin school. Check out local music venues regularly (like Aeolian Hall and the London Music Club) as well as Western University and Library performances which are usually FREE!

It is easy enough to say that we are going to practice, work/do homework, get meals ready, vacuum, exercise, etc. etc.  We know the things we should be doing because we know they are good for us and a lot of the time we want to do these things, and then 10:00 pm comes along and we wonder where the day went. Decide what the important things are to get done in a day and a week and then schedule, plan, organize and commit. Charts can be incredible resources for not only kids but for our adult routines as well. Check out the PRACTICE SHOPPE for lots of free charts (where I get most of my 100 charts). Interested in finding motivation for organizing other areas of your life? Check out these blogs: I HEART ORGANIZING, ORGANIZING JUNKIE.