Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tax Time

It's tax time.... ugh. Anyways, I think I've got my act together this year and will be sending everyone a receipt through e-mail. If you need a hard copy you'll need to request one. Otherwise, the plan is that everyone should have a receipt sent to them by next week. If you need it sooner then that, let me know and I will do yours first.

I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Despite the cold and the horrible Saturday weather, Sunday and Monday were beautiful days. I'm definitely counting down the days until spring (31!).

Looking forward to group class on Tuesday February 24th! See you all there!

Sunday, February 08, 2015

A Great Afternoon

Another recital is behind us. What an incredible thing to say that we do, to perform and play our violins regularly to family and friends. Whether our performance went exactly as planned or we stumbled over little spots, everyone continues to show incredible discipline and courage in just getting up on stage. What is important is the community and support we show one another when we push ourselves and try something challenging. The only thing to do when we sometimes fall is to pick ourselves up with the help of family and friends and keep trying our best. Everyone tried their best at this recital and should continue to feel pride in their everyday accomplishments. I am so proud of everyone and enjoy everyday that I get to see such wonderful little and tall musicians grow and learn.

Thank you all for your support in purchasing raffle tickets and candy grams! Ask me anytime about how much funds were raised and where the money is going.
Have any suggestions of musical things you think would benefit the school? Let me know! Let's all continue to work together to provide a rich learning environment for children and adults!

Two reminders:
Everyone will receive their candy grams this week in lessons.
No group class this week or next, but will resume February 24th.

Happy Valentines Day!