Monday, September 28, 2020

How I FINALLY Got My 3 Year Old to Practice EVERYDAY - PART 2

Part 2 - Creating a Routine

I think it is SO IMPORTANT to not over schedule, over organize and over expect of our children. However, I do think structure is important and teaching children about scheduling, managing time, staying organized and working hard are invaluable skills. 

My daughter has a morning routine of the following:
  • get dressed
  • brush teeth/hair
  • practice violin
That's it. Three items for my 3 year old. Maybe when she turns 4, I'll add a fourth. These three things however have been problem areas in our mornings. So what works for us is if she completes the list (by a certain time), she earns screen time (20-30 minutes or so) and/or a big activity (something that requires A LOT of clean-up). If we don't complete the list, there is no screen time that day. These days happen and we don't make a big deal about it. I find that the next day though she's on top of getting her list done first thing so she can watch a show or do a bigger activity. 

Other days we get the list done but we don't have a chance to get to our show because we get busy with play or go out for the day, and that's okay too. Right now, screen time is just an incentive (one that currently works for us) - it's an opportunity she can earn and use if she chooses. The goal is to create these daily habits that she can carry with her throughout her life. If we can work to do something positive together in the morning, then we earn many positive things from it.

As soon as we all became clear as a family on what happens every morning and when screen time happens (this was also huge as screen time can too easily be given out all day if we aren't careful!), the arguing became less and less.  My daughter is now in charge of what she wants to get done and when (within reason). If it doesn't get done, we don't argue about it because we all know the consequence. 

I also make sure to model myself doing everything on the list - it certainly sends the wrong message if I expect her to get dressed, brush teeth/hair and practice if I wasn't going to do those things (getting dressed with a newborn was something I wasn't always doing, I suppose along with everything else on her list!). Setting that expectation for myself made a world of difference in my mornings as it made me feel more prepared to tackle my day.

Part 3 - Coming Soon

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How I FINALLY Got My 3 Year Old to Practice EVERYDAY - PART 1

Part 1 - The Hard Truth & Getting Organized

I have been struggling with daily practice with my daughter ever since she developed an interest at 18 months. Being a Suzuki violin teacher who believes in daily practice and expects my students to practice daily, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders not being able to produce daily practice myself at home with my own daughter. 

There was always some reason why it didn't happen - busy with other activities, sick, too tired, but mostly I realized I just forgot. The day would get away from me. I wasn't making it a priority. I also quickly realized this must be the struggle of other parents. I soon was on a mission to find a solution.

I came across the 'Block Schedule' a while ago and implemented it into my lifestyle immediately. IT WAS A GAME CHANGER! I won't go into detail about it yet, but if you want to learn more check out the video HERE and follow Jordan Page HERE. I have been following her for years getting advice on budgeting and productivity which has made such a positive impact in my life.

Although my daughters practice doesn't necessarily follow the blocks I have set up for myself for each day, once I got MY life organized and MY priorities in check, it was much easier to organize MY DAUGHTERS activities and make the expectations we have as a family clear. 

The fact the I was struggling to practice with my daughter really had nothing to do with my daughter, but everything to do with me.

Part 2 Coming Soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How I END Practice with my 3 Year Old

This is how we end every practice each day. 

We take a bow and hug each other. 

No matter how frustrated (most days- from both of us), silly, happy, calm, angry, etc. our practice is.  When we practice together we are strengthening our relationship. We owe it to ourselves and to each other to appreciate our hard work and the time we are investing in one another.

It reminds us that hard work is positive and that we can accomplish anything, especially when we work together. Such a simple act of kindness can make our days extraordinary.  

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Amy's Violin School is 10 Years Old!

2020 is turning out to be many things. The world is changing and our individual lives are changing. We've all had to grow and adapt, learn new ways and let go of a lot. Every day we get through though, is one more day that is making us stronger.

I've made a conscious effort the past couple months to listen more (it's definitely been a popular theme) and realised I could be a much better listener. As I've been listening, I've learned so much and feel so much more purpose and understanding. When I listen, I am inspired. I hope to pass on some of that inspiration even if in a small way through Suzuki Violin Lessons this year.

Amy's Violin School is 10 Years Old! Private Lessons, Group Classes, Recitals, Small Steps Class, Parent Ed Events, Practice Charts - EVERYTHING is ONLINE. Who would have thought. Even though I am anxiously awaiting the day we can all play in person, I am embracing what I do have control over and planning on making the most out of this year. I hope you all will join me in celebrating each other and the work we are committing to in learning the violin and learning more about ourselves in the process.

Here are a few reminders before the 2020-2021 School Year Starts!

As always, all private lesson and group class dates are listed on the Calendar HERE.

We have two upcoming RECITALS on October 25 and November 29th. Stay tuned for how we will make these recitals possible. Check out the 2020 Year End Virtual Recital HERE!

I am running a 15-20 minute SMALL STEPS CLASS (ages 0-3) Saturdays at 9:45. Please tell your friends with little ones and have them email me at to inquire or CLICK HERE.

Also, Parent Ed Events will be replaced with blog and instagram posts. I will be posting short topics for you to browse when you want some inspiration.

If you need your violin tuned please let me know and we can arrange a front yard distanced tuning session! Or, we can arrange a ZOOM meeting specifically to help you tune your violin at home. Let me know!

I will be using Google Classroom to share lots of videos and resources as we continue with ZOOM Lessons. Take a look around the Classroom in the next week and see whats there!

Looking forward to starting the school year with you on September 14th!

My girls say hi!