Monday, October 27, 2014

Congrats on a Successful Recital! Now on to the next...

I was so inspired by everyone's performances this weekend. Such powerful and controlled bow strokes, weeks of repetitions finally paid off, confident and comfortable playing, and such heart! You all shared a part of yourself with the audience and you should all be so proud. It takes a lot of hard work, strength and dedication to perform as you all did. Congratulations.

We are changing things up for the next recital. Normally February would be our duet/ensemble recital, but I'd like to take advantage of the upcoming holiday season and make this our ensemble recital!

Everyone will be either be paired up or put into small groups. Those playing Book 2 and up will have the chance to learn and play harmony parts! Also, there will be a sign up sheet for those who would like to perform Christmas Pieces!

This recital will also feature a number from the Fall Fiddle Class as well as a surprise ensemble that everyone will be a part of. Stay tuned!

I love this time of year and you will all probably witness holiday decor up as soon as Halloween is over. After all, we've only got 2 months to enjoy it! But let's get through Halloween first. I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween and enjoy this time before we head into the craziness that is the holiday season! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday for our Mini Recital and Halloween Group Class!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Recital and RECEPTION... Halloween Treats Anyone?

Just a reminder as I realized I did not include this in the calendar, but Saturday October 25th is our recital and reception! Please bring a Halloween treat you'd like to share or something that is quick and convenient. Whatever works. I'm looking forward to the first official recital at Siloam United Church.

For those new to the school, this is the only recital reception.
The December recital features a holiday surprise, the February features Valentine themes, and the year end celebrates a year of hard work and fun (possibly with cake!).

Be as creative (or not!) as you'd like for this reception. What matters is we all come together to congratulate one another on a great first recital of the year.

Looking for some Halloween treat inspiration? Check these out on Pinterest! There are loads of kid friendly Halloween baking to be found!





Sunday, October 12, 2014

Two Weeks Left of the Bingo Challenge!

I've been hearing about lots of grandparents and babies/toddlers who have heard some violin playing. Many 100 charts are leaving lessons and being returned. There is listening in the car and before bed time. Students are asking for help and are helping others at school and at group class. I love everything that I am seeing and hearing. What wonderful Suzuki students!

You all have a bit of an extension on your Bingo cards as they are now due at the Halloween Group class on Tuesday October 28th. We will find out the winners the week after.

Here are a few suggestions to help you all complete your Bingo Cards!

Check out the Don Wright Faculty of Music Concert Series or their main page HERE with for free concerts and student recitals at Western University. Just show up and enjoy. You can see some great things at these recitals!

Also, any performances at school counts towards concerts as well. Maybe a music group plays for the school in the auditorium, or the school band plays, or a dance group performs or the choir performs. You may count any of those as a concert.

When we listen for 3 hours in a day, this is background listening. It's not finding 3 hours to just sit and listen. Put it on in the morning getting ready for school, listen in the car on the way to and the way home from school. Listen during dinner, listen during homework, listen before bed. Have you reached 3 hours yet? (3 hours while we are sleeping does not count toward this). See who is the first to remember to turn on the CD when they get home from school. Pretty soon it will be habit.

Many lessons are available to observe! Come early for your lesson or stay late to watch and learn from someone else. Don't have extra time in your schedule but your children come back to back for lessons? Agree ahead of time that a few minutes will be spent observing quietly the siblings lesson rather then reading a book or doing homework, etc.
Know you'll be in the area and have a few minutes to spare? Let me know and we can arrange an observation time. By the way, you are always welcome to do this. Sometimes seeing another lesson and watching a lesson from a different perspective may give you new ideas or inspiration about your own situation. We all do incredible learning through observation. It's so simple yet often overlooked.

I hope everyone is completing some walk/run boxes this weekend! Anyone read any good books lately? I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Recital Update and Something Fun!

It is confirmed that our first recital of the school year is now on Saturday October 25th at 3:30!

Those unable to make this change work will perform at the Mini Recital at our Halloween group class on Tuesday October 28th. More details on our Halloween group class shortly.

Here's what you need to know about rehearsals:

1. Everyone must be present at the rehearsal group class on Tuesday October 21st. Failure to do so or not giving me a heads up will result in not participating in the recital.

2. All students playing a Book 1 piece will rehearse with piano at the recital group class.

3. All students playing a piece in Book 2 and up will rehearse with piano (Nancy) on Saturday October 18th at 3:00 or Sunday October 19th at 1:00. This rehearsal will take place at Nancy's house. We can confirm the address in person.

On another note, I received a great recommendation from Dave Nuttall! Everyone check out the youtube sensation Lindsay Stirling, an incredible violinist and arranger.

I just watched her Zelda video; that took me back to my childhood. What a performer! I love the diversity of what she plays. What we do as violinists is never restricted to our Suzuki books. You can play anything you want to on your instrument with a little bit of imagination, creativity and perseverance.